Karens blogarkiv

Foto: Ekrulila

Fake news og gammelt fjendtskab – Brev til Von Der Leyen om misinformation


Partnervold under Corona – Brev til Von Der Leyen


Et indeburet EU overfor Coronakrisen


Corona Lock-down EU webinar

Foto: Wiliiam Iven

Flere kvinder skal ind i tech-branchen!


Barsel for MEP’er – brev til Charles Michel

7 November 2018; Margrethe Vestager, European Commission, during a press conference during day two of Web Summit 2018 at the Altice Arena in Lisbon, Portugal. Photo by Diarmuid Greene/Web Summit via Sportsfile

EU-Kommission melder ud om kunstig intelligens

Hand of a businessman shaking hands with a Android robot. The concept of human interaction with artificial intelligence.

Radikalt – Marts 2020: “Europa skal investere i forskning og kunstig intelligens”

Kunstig intelligens

Kunstig intelligens: Computerens gode beslutninger?