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  • 5 Years for an Open, Free Europe
    5 Years for an Open, Free Europe

    Karen Melchior

    From 2019-2024, during my time in the European Parliament,
    I fought for a Digital, Green, Open & Free Europe for all.

  • Karen Melchior
    Karen Melchior

    My Blog


My Work in The European Parliament

My mission is to strengthen our democracy and ensure equality for all. I focus on protecting human rights, advocate for a fair digital transformation where citizens’ rights are safeguarded, and foster an inclusive digital economy.

My Achievements

An overview of my parliamentary activities and everything I have achieved. Compare my achievements with those of other MEPs in the Interactive Diagram


Resolution proposals


Contributions to plenary debates


Oral inquiries


Rapporteur for report


Rapporteur for opinion

Open Government


Transparency is a cornerstone of a healthy democracy and EU functions on the bedrock principle of transparency, enshrined in Article 10 of the Treaty on European Union. This principle demands open decision-making and accessibility of information, fostering public trust and ensuring democratic accountability. As your representative in the European Parliament, I firmly believe in upholding these values.

In line with the high ethical standards outlined in the European Parliament’s Code of Conduct, I am committed to complete transparency regarding my work and the resources entrusted to me. This includes providing clear and accessible information about my salary, allowances, and any meetings.

“Europe must be open and free for all its citizens regardless of who they are or who they love. It must also remain open and free to inspiration, goods, and people from the rest of the world to ensure growth and innovation. An open and free Europe must ensure an open and free world that respects fundamental rights and an environmentally sustainable future for all.”

—Karen Melchior