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Author: Karen Melchior

Social media work at an embassy

When I was at the Danish embassy in London, I received a tweet from a close friend pointing me to a story by the Guardian, this meant that we were able to repond quickly and calm some nerves online while we got a response to the story from back home in Copenhagen. Here is a storify of the media and blog coverage. The tweets unfortunately are a bit harder to find. But I will try to add them later. [View the story “The story about the Danish Marmite \”ban\”” on Storify] The story about the Danish Marmite "ban" The story about the so-called Danish Marmite ban (not...

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Public Diplomacy in the Next 4 Years

View as slideshow International Affairs Experts Look at Next Four Years of Public Diplomacy lt;p>A panel of international affairs experts, including Ambassador James Glassman, discuss the course of U.S. Public Diplomacy for th… 00Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Linkedin Share by email C-span · Original link Discovery of #IPDGC Karen Melchior@karmel80 There is an interesting conversation on #ipdgc about public diplomacy and digital outreach Tue, Nov 13 2012 07:28:51 · Original link ReplyRetweetFavorite Karen...

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Thorning-Schmidt speaking at Bruges

View as slideshow A colleague at work made me aware that our PM was about to make a possibly very important speech on European Policy. So I started tweet to create some attention. I managed to create the #htsbruges, which a few people started using :-) Karen Melchior@karmel80 Danish PM THORNING-SCHMIDT will deliver opening address in Bruges, College of Europe Live stream from 14: #htsbruges   Wed, Oct 17 2012 04:15:26 · Original link ReplyRetweetFavorite Karen Melchior@karmel80 Time for a new iconic Bruges speech? #htsbruges. Danish PM delivers...

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Where to eat in Copenhagen

Realising that I’ll probably get a few questions from friends about where to eat in Copenhagen. I’ve tried to put together a list. It’s just a list, so don’t expect anything elaborate… But please had any suggestions and comments in … the comments boxes below. As most restaurant websites are not bilingual in both English and Danish, I’ve included some English language reviews and articles as well. Places that look good, but I haven’t tried  Slightly fancy fish place in the new cool trendy area in town : Pizza place  in...

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Do Airlines WANT Their Passengers to Suffer from Jetlag?

I know there’s no going back, but we could do better! I do not fly long haul flights very often, so perhaps certain things that are normal for regular passengers is strange for me. However I do not believe that just because things have always been done that way, it should be a reason for continuing . When flying to the US last week, I noticed that on my two international flights, the airlines had has their starting point for the inflight service the departing time zone rather than the one of the destination. It would seem more natural and efficient for the passengers to allow adjustment...

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Comments to Brian Fung on Why It’s Tough for Embassies to Get Social Media Right

Thank you Brian for a very interesting thought provoking contribution to the discussion. How you come to the conclusion that “Even then, a diplomat’s public Twitter profile is more likely to be run by a public affairs officer than by the appointee herself.” ? This is perhaps true for some political leaders, but I do not think any of the diplomats I follow are not who they pretend to be, but of course for all I know… they might as well be a dog. (… I would not recommend people to use social media analytic tools like Klout to “identify...

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eDiplomacy or Twiplomacy

Was very flattered when Canada International Council started following me on twitter. Even more flattered when they asked me to contribute to a series on Diplomacy and Twitter. That was now a few weeks ago, and the results have now gone up on their site. I feel slightly in-awed by the other people they asked to contribute and happy to be in good company. I’ve copied in my post below. From Diplomat to Twiplomat Karen Melchior | October 17, 2012 My first major challenge as a diplomat was being part of the crisis team dealing with the publication of controversial cartoons in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in...

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Back in Copenhagen

I have been back in Copenhagen and the HQ at Asiatisk Plads for a month now. Enjoying life back home in new surroundings and with new challenges.   Settling in has not been as difficult as feared. I’ve landed in an interesting area of work with high level of activity. Disarmament and non-proliferation. We’ve moved into a great flat in an exciting neighbourhood close to parks, my work, family, friends and the centre of Copenhagen. I enjoy cycling around my home town where the cycle is king. I am still keeping up my interest in how the digital world and social media intersect with...

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Interview by about social media

Last year Diplo’s Stephanie Borg Psaila, approached me with some questions about my use of social media. It turned into this little interview about @denmarkinuk and my own use of social media Establishing a strong online presence through the use of social media: E-diplomacy in practice By Stephanie on 4 Feb 2012 | From the E-diplomacy channel Just how deeply involved in the use of social media are today’s diplomats and embassies? In the first of a two-part series, we caught up with Karen Melchior, First Secretary at the Danish Embassy in London, who talks about the Danish Embassy’s...

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Visiting London – What to do and what to avoid

I’ve now lived in London for a bit more than 3 years, and have had many good friends and members of my family coming to visit me. There are a few places that people always want to visit and I try to get them to avoid, and then there are the places I have shown them. So in advance of the Olympics and as my posting to the UK comes to an end this summer then I would like share them with you. [I will try to improve lay-out, add pictures and perhaps a map later. But perhaps I’ll need to change the theme] WHAT TO DO Sit down and people watch at Serpentine bar and kitchen with beautiful...

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Favourite things to do in Marseille

I spent 5 wonderful months in Marseille in 2008-2009, here are a few of my favourite things to do: Stroll along the old harbour, possibly buy a fish for your supper or on a Saturday a bouquet of flowers. Have a cup of coffee and a macaroon – the big ones are fantastic! I personally think they are the best in the world! – in a tiny Patisserie Ines just between the harbour and the Opera. (93 rue Paradis, 13006 Marseille, France), See UK Tripadvisor. Have tapas at Dos Hermanas in one of the small streets off Cours Julien Walk up from the old harbour, and have a walk in the small streets...

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Louis le Maire, f. 1836 d. 1913

le Maire, Abraham Louis, f. 1836, Officer. Han er en Søn af Fuldmægtig i Admiralitetet David Chrétien le M. og Louise f. Müller og blev født i Kjøbenhavn 25. Jan. 1836. 17 Aar gammel kom han ind paa den kongl. militære Højskole, hvorfra han 1857 afgik som Sekondlieutenant i Artilleriet med Aldersorden fra 1853, men gjennemgik 1859-61 nævnte Skoles Stabsafdeling (han blev Premierlieutenant 1860), saa at han, efter at have gjort Tjeneste ved de forskjellige Vaaben og ved den topografiske Afdeling, i Dec. 1863 blev ansat som Adjudant ved Overkommandoen og deltog som saadan i Felttoget 1864. I Vinteren...

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Chrétien Frédéric Emile le Maire f. 1814

le Maire, Chrétien Frédéric Emile, f. 1814, Handelsmand. E. le M. er født i Kjøbenhavn 23. Nov. 1814.Hans Forældre vare Kunstmaler og Tegnelærer Daniel Frédéric le M. og Marguerite Henriette Wilhelmine f. van Helsdingen. Faderen nedstammede fra en i Begyndelsen af det 18. Aarhundrede indvandret Huguenotfamilie. I sit 14. Aar blev le M. ansat hos Joseph Hambro (VI, 522) og opnaaede efterhaanden en meget betroet Stilling. Da Hambro nedsatte sig i London, fulgte le M. med ham, men rejste kort efter tilbage her til for sammen med Wilhelm Smidt at bestyre Bankierfirmaets kjøbenhavnske Afdeling. Nogen...

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