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Internet og kommunikation i Danmark. Der er en verden udenfor Facebook.

Et lille opråb til foreninger, udvalg og mange andre, som gerne vil bruge internettet til at kommunikere med. Facebook er ikke den eneste måde, som man kan kommunikere på. Desuden nævner flere (siden ca. 2008), at Facebook er for folk, som du kender, eller var endda for dem, som du kendte engang. (se mere herom nederst) Facebook er et firma med en forretningsmodel, hvor igennem firmaet skal tjene penge. Ikke at der er noget odiøst i at tjene penge, men jeg tror det er vigtigt at holde sig for øje, at Facebook er til for Facebook. Facebook er ikke til for, at vi har en nem måde at kommunikere...

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Hvad er et lokaludvalg og hvorfor har vi dem i København?

København Kommune etablerede 12 lokaludvalg med udgangen af 2008. Formålet med at etablere lokaludvalg var at styrke nærdemokratiet i København. Borgerrepræsentationen traf beslutningen  den 13. oktober 2005 om at  etablere lokaludvalg i alle bydele. Beslutningen blev truffet på baggrund af et fireårigt forsøg med lokaludvalg i Valby. Lokaludvalg giver adgang til Rådhuset og Borgerrepræsentationen Ideen er, at  borgerne får mere indflydelse på deres nærområde gennem lokaludvalgene. Det kan man, som medlem af et parti, en forening, organisation eller brugerbestyrelse, hvilket giver mulighed for...

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Medlem af Vesterbro Lokaludvalg

Da jeg blev medlem af lokaludvalget for Vesterbro, vidste jeg ikke meget om hvad lokaludvalg laver, derfor har jeg besluttet at samle lidt information her på min hjemmeside efterhånden som jeg lærer mere om hvad det er lokaludvalget laver og hvad mine opgaver er. Efterhånden som jeg deltager i møderne, vil jeg  skrive om hvad der er blevet drøftet på møderne her på min hjemmeside. Sig gerne til i kommentarerne, hvis du har nogen kommentarer eller spørgsmål Billede – creative commons Bilal Kamoon

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Politiko Tweet-up in Copenhagen on 16 February from 4 pm

Fra den rigtige Dyrehave. Taget af Risager fra Flickr. CC As invited to on Twtter, Politiko-tweep-up tomorrow afternoon at for the politically minded at from 4.00 pm. Find the location through Google maps. The idea is to meet the nice and interesting people, you’ve had discussions with on Twitter about politics, whether it be Danish, EU, British,  German or what ever interests you. No need to sign up or anything – just come along, everyone is welcome. We’ll be the ones talking a lot, and using smartphones a lot. And if you don’t find us then DM @karmel80 or @jonworth. DyrehavenSdr....

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Sociale medier i diplomati og medier

Medier og diplomater bør følge debatten og historierne uanset, hvor de fysisk eller teknisk befinder sig. I Danmark har flere og flere danskere har taget sociale medier til sig, f.eks. bruger nu 55,2 % af befolkningen Facebook. Hvis man ønsker at være med til at informere og underholde danskerne, bør man være dér, hvor de er. Samtidigt giver de sociale medier flere dimensioner til det enkelte program for lyttere og seere. Mere end det giver de journalisterne mulighed for at gå bag om facaden og møde personerne. Desuden er sociale medier en oplagt mulighed for bedre at man kan trænge udenfor...

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EasyJet forces check-in of bags at gate

No more room for hand baggage.   “There is no more room for trolley bags, they will have to be checked-in. So please remove your lap-top computer, iPad and other valuables or fragile items to bring on board.” The supervisor of my EasyJet flight from London Gatwick to Copenhagen on a Friday afternoon made more or less this announcement after about 4/5 of the passengers had boarded the air plane. I had followed the long list of rules and tricks for getting as far as the gate as easily as possible. When booking my flight I had given EasyJet my mobile phone number and my email. I had not asked to...

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Voldtægt – ikke kun et spørgsmål om humor

Kiggede ned over min twitterfeed, hvor hvad folk jeg følger skriver og hvor de Re-tweeter hvad andre har skrevet. Der så jeg denne vittighed, som Nikolaj Wulff, havde skrevet, så kunne jeg ikke lade være med at reagere.[View the story “Voldtægtsjoke” on Storify] Jeg kunne ikke lade være efter jeg i den seneste tid har fulgt debatten og kampen imod voldtægt som våben i krige rundt om i verden samt den aktivisme og politiske opmærksomhed, der er ved at danne sig om emnet. Hague har sammen med skuespiller og FN goodwill ambassadør Angelina Jolie startet et projekt for at udrydde seksuel...

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My "To Read" list on Public Diplomacy

I am looking forward to reading this article: Futures for Diplomacy: Integrative Diplomacy in the 21st Century by Jan Melissen, Shaun Riordan, Paul Sharp en Brian Hocking  [EN] Rapport in , The Hague, The Clingendael Institute, 18 October 2012 ***** I think I should have a look at this article from 2008 Engagement: Public Diplomacy in a Globalised World   2008 Collection of essays, commissioned by Jim Murphy MP (FCO Minister for Europe): “[Objective is] is to generate debate and stimulate thinking on this issue in a way which will inform and inspire policy-makers. The individual chapters...

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Suggested Public Diplomacy Reading (work in progress)

Here is a list of books and articles, which write about or give a good introduction to the concept of Public Diplomacy. Please let me and others know in the comments if you have any recommendations. Thank you. I am reading and using this recent book/casestudy “New Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century – A comparative study of policy and practice”A good recent case study / introduction by James Pamment from Karlstadt University. First 3 chapters cover Introduction, methodology, origins, changes and perspectives: A bit theoretic for me, but had many good points and good references...

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Social Media, News and Foreign Policy

Sometimes you hear or read something, and just think yes exactly that is what I would have said if  I was more articulate. Watching Professor Anne-Marie Slaughter talk about how Twitter has changed the way she gets news and interacts with different interests groups, made me think that. On the video Professor Slaughter says: Twitter has changed the way I consume news … Social media allows you to construct different communities … On twitter you can be part of all of those. … Create customised information communities. Getting real time links to articles you would never otherwise...

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Social media work at an embassy

When I was at the Danish embassy in London, I received a tweet from a close friend pointing me to a story by the Guardian, this meant that we were able to repond quickly and calm some nerves online while we got a response to the story from back home in Copenhagen. Here is a storify of the media and blog coverage. The tweets unfortunately are a bit harder to find. But I will try to add them later. [View the story “The story about the Danish Marmite \”ban\”” on Storify] The story about the Danish Marmite "ban" The story about the so-called Danish Marmite ban (not...

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Public Diplomacy in the Next 4 Years

View as slideshowInternational Affairs Experts Look at Next Four Years of Public Diplomacy lt;p>A panel of international affairs experts, including Ambassador James Glassman, discuss the course of U.S. Public Diplomacy for th…00ShareShare on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Linkedin Share by emailC-span · Original linkDiscovery of #IPDGCKaren Melchior@karmel80There is an interesting conversation on #ipdgc about public diplomacy and digital outreachTue, Nov 13 2012 07:28:51 · Original link ReplyRetweetFavoriteKaren...

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Thorning-Schmidt speaking at Bruges

View as slideshowA colleague at work made me aware that our PM was about to make a possibly very important speech on European Policy. So I started tweet to create some attention. I managed to create the #htsbruges, which a few people started using :-)Karen Melchior@karmel80Danish PM THORNING-SCHMIDT will deliver opening address in Bruges, College of Europe Live stream from 14: #htsbruges Wed, Oct 17 2012 04:15:26 · Original link ReplyRetweetFavoriteKaren Melchior@karmel80Time for a new iconic Bruges speech? #htsbruges. Danish PM delivers...

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Where to eat in Copenhagen

Realising that I’ll probably get a few questions from friends about where to eat in Copenhagen. I’ve tried to put together a list. It’s just a list, so don’t expect anything elaborate… But please had any suggestions and comments in … the comments boxes below. As most restaurant websites are not bilingual in both English and Danish, I’ve included some English language reviews and articles as well. Places that look good, but I haven’t tried Slightly fancy fish place in the new cool trendy area in town : Pizza place  in...

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Do Airlines WANT Their Passengers to Suffer from Jetlag?

I know there’s no going back, but we could do better! I do not fly long haul flights very often, so perhaps certain things that are normal for regular passengers is strange for me. However I do not believe that just because things have always been done that way, it should be a reason for continuing . When flying to the US last week, I noticed that on my two international flights, the airlines had has their starting point for the inflight service the departing time zone rather than the one of the destination. It would seem more natural and efficient for the passengers to allow adjustment...

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Comments to Brian Fung on Why It’s Tough for Embassies to Get Social Media Right

Thank you Brian for a very interesting thought provoking contribution to the discussion. How you come to the conclusion that “Even then, a diplomat’s public Twitter profile is more likely to be run by a public affairs officer than by the appointee herself.” ? This is perhaps true for some political leaders, but I do not think any of the diplomats I follow are not who they pretend to be, but of course for all I know… they might as well be a dog. (… I would not recommend people to use social media analytic tools like Klout to “identify...

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