Thorning-Schmidt speaking at Bruges
Written by Karen Melchior on . Posted in Blog.
A colleague at work made me aware that our PM was about to make a possibly very important speech on European Policy. So I started tweet to create some attention. I managed to create the #htsbruges, which a few people started using :-)
Danish PM THORNING-SCHMIDT will deliver opening address in Bruges, College of Europe Live stream from 14: #htsbruges
Time for a new iconic Bruges speech? #htsbruges. Danish PM delivers opening address @1430 #CollegeofEurope Livestream:
Eventhough @ministernyt had published the press release on twitter the day before.
Statsministeren taler på Europakollegiet og deltager i møde i Det Europæiske Råd: Statsminister Helle Thorning-S…
Solid speech by Thorning combining pro-European outlook with tough message on need for flexible integration + national reforms. #htsbruges
#htsbruges Good to have a S&D representing the people coming out of the College :) Beyond that, these ceremonies should be updated!
Le live de la cérémonie d’ouverture de l’année académique du @CollegeofEurope avec la PM danoise #htsbruges
EU receiving the Nobel Peace Prize did get a mention.
Thorning-Schmidt: The Nobel Prize was rightly awarded to the EU. The surprise is that it didn’t happen sooner. #htsbruges
Thorning-Schmidt: “Security, democracy and prosperity are now reasonable expectations for EU citizens.” #htsbruges
“Peace and solidarity in Europe is not a law of nature. It requires caring, effort and perseverance” ~ Helle Thorning-Schmidt #htsbruges
& materially impossible #htsbruges MT @fhenriques
HTS: By binding countries together, war between the member states has become unthinkable -
Flexible integration was a central theme
#htsbruges introducing “flexible integration” @collegeofeurope‘s 2012/13 opening. full speech at
#htsbruges Breaking the taboo: we need flexible multi speed #eu
#Htsbruges underlines community method of eu integration. #Merkel @collegeofeurope pushed idea of governmental union method
Thorning-Schmidt: Flexible integration is not the preferred option. But it’s price worth paying if it allows us to move forward. #htsbruges
#Htsbruges flexibility for deeper future integration. Europe must be a multi speed model #debateu
Thorning-Schmidt: Flexible integration is a reality that has allowed EU to evolve. We should accept that Europe is multi-speed. #htsbruges
Thorning-Schmidt: Flexible integration must serve clear purpose, respect common values and allow opt-out states to opt in later. #htsbruges
#htsbruges but flexibility needs integraty . Safeguard the community rules and institutions
Thorning-Schmidt: 3rd principle: Flexible integration must be based on openness … should remain open for all #htsbruges
EU is not perfect, so let’s learn from our mistakes. But neither are EU member states.
Thorning-Schmidt: We need to learn from our mistakes, make clear what we’re fighting for, and design flexible integration. #htsbruges
“There is ground for optimism.” #htsbruges
“Let’s learn from our mistakes: EU adopted a monetary union, without a fiscal union, without a banking union”~Thorning-Schmidt #htsbruges
Thorning-Schmidt: Wrong to blame EU or introduction of € for current hardship. Countries failed to keep own house in order. #htsbruges
#Htsbruges eu not to be blamed for current crisis. Member states didnt do their homework. #Eu part of solution not problem
“It’s too easy and flat out wrong to blame the introduction of the euro for the hardships in some countries” ~ H Thorning-Schmidt #htsbruges
Thorning-Schmidt: The EU’s handling of the crisis isn’t pretty. But in the end we always muddle through. #htsbruges
This one was popular among the EU-tweeps
Thorning-Schmidt: “The EU is not perfect, but neither are the member states” #htsbruges
But it is not all bad either
Thorning-Schmidt: Yes, EU is facing challenges. But GDP still greater than US or China. Must invest in education and innovation. #htsbruges
Speaking to the Vaclev Havel promotion, but where were they on Twitter?
“Soon it will up to you, the youth of Europe, to ensure that our common values will endure” ~ Helle Thorning-Schmidt #htsbruges
So much for modern students! Only tweets #htsbruges are @PlaceLuxEU & @huettemann (too old to be students) & @karmel80 who’s not even there!
Helle Thorning-Schmidt is an alumni of College of Europe, and has fond personal memories of her time there.
A good year #htsbruges MT @PlaceLuxEU On way to opening of @CollegeOfEurope academic year by my classmate Helle Thorning-Schmidt
“To say that I greatly enjoyed my time in Bruges would be an understatement. I made friends for life and met my husband.” #htsbruges
#htsbruges Dk Pm Thorning-Schmidt met her husband @collegeofeurope
Thorning-Schmidt to @CollegeOfEurope students: Enjoy your time here. But also remember to serve. We’re counting on you. #htsbruges
#htsbruges MT @RegionFrankfurt: Thumbs up from a CollegeofEurope Alumna for livestreaming opening ceremony w Danish PM
Sorry, but Helle is one of a kind…
Can I get a Helle Thorning-Schmidt for my country? Thank you in advance. #htsbruges
There seems to have been a reception after the speech, unfortunately that wasn’t livestreamed.
Nice small talk to Danish prime minister #HTS – she started int career @EUbevaegelsen – wants more European Movement #htsbruges cc @karmel80
We had to wait for a while before PM Thorning-Schmidt went on. So people ended up a little bored…
Making Thorning-Schmidt (and us) sit through a long lecture on Havel (35 mins and counting) by way of intro seems a bit much. #htsbruges
Traditional media coverage of the speech
Looking for the text of the speech, which unfortunately wasn’t put online at the same time or just after as the speech was held.
#htsbruges missed that thing about breaking taboes and “price we have to pay”, anyone that has the exact quote?
Not much coverage by Danes on social media, but after a few hours they started catching on. After it had been broadcast in traditional media?
For dkmedier: STM om #htsbruges Statsministeren taler på Europakollegiet #dkpol
Danish newspapers quoted the story from Ritzau (large Danish(?) newsagency)
Thorning: Ok med EU i flere hastigheder: Statsminister Helle Thorning-Schmidt (S) er onsdag på vej til de næste …
Thorning: Ok med EU i flere hastigheder
Helle Thorning-Schmidt:”We should accept that Europe is in fact a multi-speed Europe” Tale ved College of Europe #EUpol
Jeg bliver konstant overrasket over Helle..uha hun er skarp…
Thorning gør op med tabu: Vi må leve et EU i flere hastigheder.
Thorning gør op med tabu: Vi må leve et EU i flere hastigheder: Danmark og Sverige vil kæmpe for at holde døren …
Thorning gør op med tabu: Vi må leve et EU i flere hastigheder: Danmark og Sverige vil kæmpe for at holde døren …
DR.DK NYHEDER Thorning: Ok med EU i flere hastigheder – Statsministeren gør op med frygten for et EU i flere hastigh…
But perhaps I am forgetting that Facebook is the preferred social media of the Danes.
Det er ikke nyt at EU kører i flere hastigheder – der har altid været dem der vil samarbejdet fuldt og helt og dem der halter bagud med forbehold og særordninger.
Jeg håber at Danmark engang kan regnes blandt dem som er fuldt og helt med.