Karen as a candidate to the European Parliament, what do you think?
The 14th-15th of September, the party conference of Radikale Venstre (the social liberal party) will be held in Nyborg, Denmark. Those of us, who are running to be candidates for the European Parliament elections on May 25 2014 on the Danish ballot paper, will be holding our speech for the party members on Sunday (will be livestreamed). The party members will then select the top candidate and then the candidates 2-5 on the ballot paper.
While I am fascinated by how we can use the internet to communicate, organise ourselves and gain influence on politics. Also probably where I met you first.
I remain convinced that no matter how many we are on the internet or on the streets for a single cause. It is through democracy we can find solutions for our society. That is why I became active in Radikale Venstre. That is why I am running for the European Parliament in 2014.
What do you think of me as a politician and a a candidate to become one of the 13 Danish members of the European Parliament?
Am I a person you would trust? Am I sensible? Do I know my stuff? And if I don’t would I ask those who do know?
Let me and others know what you think.
Please write a comment below, send a tweet, write an update on Facebook or Google+ with #KarenEP.
Tak! Thank you! Merci!