FE-skandalen vokser: Flere spørgsmål til Kommissionen om Efterretningstjenesten
Siden jeg forleden sammen med Morten Helveg Petersen og vores hollandske kollega Sophie in’t Veld stillede spørgsmål til EU-Kommissionen om den danske skandale i Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste har sagen udviklet sig.
Senere er det nemlig kommet frem, at FE muligvis har videregivet oplysninger til den amerikanske sikkerhedstjeneste, NSA, som netop var centrum for begivenhederne, da Edward Snowden råbte vagt i gevær i 2013. Hvis det viser sig at være rigtigt, står dansk efterretningsvirksomhed i den største krise nogensinde.
Du kan se det nye spørgsmål herunder
Question for written answer E-004797/2020
to the Commission
Rule 138
Sophia in ‘t Veld (Renew), Morten Petersen (Renew), Karen Melchior (Renew)
Subject: Espionage cooperation between Danish Defence Intelligence Service and NSA
On 28 August, the Danish state broadcaster Danmarks Radio revealed that the Danish Defence
Intelligence Service (FE) has maintained a secret espionage cooperation with the US National Security Agency (NSA). The FE would have granted the NSA direct access to large amounts of raw data, including access to Danish citizens’ personal data and private communications.
In follow-up to written parliamentary question E-004645/2020,
1. Is the Commission aware of similar espionage agreements between intelligence services of Member States and other countries, such as Russia and China?
2. ‘Considering that national security remains the sole responsibility of each Member State, how can EU citizens be sure that their data are not shared with another country as part of an espionage agreement if supervisory authorities are misinformed by intelligence services and therefore cannot fully function?
3. Which actions will the Commission take to ensure that EU law fully applies to the data of citizens within the EU, when these data are shared in the framework of intelligence cooperation with non-EU countries, such as Nine Eyes and 14 Eyes?