Tony Benn’s questions to those in power. The questions we must keep asking.
One of the recent history’s most important and popular figures in British politics Tony Benn died today.
Thank you to Paul Bernal for highlighting the 5 questions he asked to those in power about the legitimacy of their power :
1 What power have you got?
2 Where did you get it from?
3 In whose interests do you exercise it?
4 To whom are you accountable?
5 How do we get rid of you?
We must keep asking these questions. I feel it is more important now than ever with confusing layers of networks and ways of influence in our political systems.
New institutions and networks have grown powerful and we need to find ways to question and keep control of them as we do with the older usually state institutions.
We must demand accountability of those in power, because with power comes responsibility to earn and maintain our trust in you, this requires accountability, transparency and control.
Dave Roden
Very very important set of questions from one of the few politicians I ever had respect for. Quite a unique figure. Wish there were more but fear there is not.