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Now it is official, I am a candidate for the 2014 election for the European Parliament

me in front of books with Iphone


About an hour ago I got an email with the press release from Det Radikale Venstre. The Danish Social-Liberal Party, which is part of the ALDE group in the European Parliament and forms part of the ALDE party. Two sides of the same coin, but two separate and important functions as well.

So now it’s official, I’m a candidate for the 2014 election for the European Parliament. I have know for a few weeks (check my Danish blog posts here and here) that I was working towards this goal and that it looked achievable. However it still makes a larger difference than I expected to see it announced officially.

We are a team of 10 candidates. 2 of us not affiliated with any region in particular, but supported by a minimum of 25 members of the party. The rest were chosen by one or two regions.

(I have made a separate post (in Danish with more links to webpages etc. of the individual candidates)
I am really looking forward to this election campaign. We have a great team of diverse people with different backgrounds and experiences. Nearly half the team ran for the European Parliament in 2009 and one candidate has been a member of the Danish National Parliament. So I am sure that we will put politics back into the Europe debate both in Denmark and the rest of Europe.

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