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The final stand for net neutrality – D66 managed to sway ADLE group in favour

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I am happy to see that at the initiative of the Dutch social-liberal party D66, the liberal ALDE Group today has put forward a new text to enshrine net neutrality in law in Europe. I am pleased that Venstre’s Jens Rohde has now finally listened instead of lecturing and talking about net communism.

Jens Rohde proposed the amendment together with D66’s Marietje Schaake on behalf of the ALDE group. The text clarifies uncertainties and closes loopholes that remained after the vote in the Committee for Industry and Research.

Dutch MEP Schaake: “It is too early to celebrate, but informal talks suggest that a majority in the European Parliament will support the definition of and guarantees for net neutrality in this proposal. Net neutrality has been enshrined in law in the Netherlands and in Slovenia, but not yet at a European level. By doing so, competitiveness, innovation and the open internet will be protected against abuse of power by companies at the expense of consumers. ”

See more on Schaake’s website.


My support for calls on members of the ITRE committee to support an earlier amendment to close loopholes endangering net neutrality during the committee discussions and votes for the telecommunications package, which is has gotten rid – finally – of extortionate roaming charges. Jens Rohde got so annoyed by this that thought it was appropriate to lecture me about how to be a politician, listen and make compromises. Having lectured me on listing and engaging in respectful dialogue… Amelia Andersdotter retorted with the fact he had been calling her stupid and uncooperative in the Danish press while refusing to discuss the proposal with her.



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