ChatControl is illegal, so what can we do to protect kids?

We don’t have to spy on our children to keep them safe, and digital filters and flagging aren’t a magic wand we can wave to make societies’ problems disappear. Instead of a paternalistic approach using flawed technology that won’t protect kids and will make it harder to catch abuse, we can use technology to empower our children to identify risks, and then reach out to trusted adults.

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The European Digital Identity: Parliament’s final position

The European Digital Identity is a proposal that will allow EU citizens, residents and businesses to identify themselves, access digital services and digitally sign documents through a Digital ID and store and share “attributes” such as personal information, diplomas and licenses safely and easily using a Digital Wallet. It will provide inter-operability across the union;…

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The Data Act: preserving privacy and putting citizens in control

In recent years, we have seen an explosion in the development of “smart” and “connected” devices: from home appliances to industrial machines, and medical equipment to cars. The EU wants to make better use of this data to benefit the economy. I have been negotiating on behalf of Renew in the JURI committee, to make…

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C’est arrivé et donc cela peut arriver à nouveau…

Le 27 janvier est la journée internationale dédiée à la mémoire des victimes de l’Holocauste. En ces temps sombres animé par la guerre de la Russie contre l’Ukraine, il est important de rappeler que les horreurs du passé durant la seconde guerre mondiale peuvent se répéter même 80 ans plus tard… Le 25 janvier, j’ai…

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