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Tag: ukraine

The future of a free and democratic Europe depends on Ukraine’s victory — now more than ever

Right now, as many of us peacefully go about our daily lives, many Ukrainians cannot afford the same luxury. Being constantly shelled by missiles and drones, they are bravely fighting the brutal Russian invasion at the EU’s borders. Putin thinks that he can kill and destroy with impunity. It is our responsibility to stop him. As an MEP and a proud supporter of Ukraine, I have been working hard to make sure Ukrainians have everything they need to win, pushing for more aid to Ukraine, meeting with Ukrainian civil society, and speaking at events dedicated to Ukraine’s cause....

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Prague Manifesto for a free Ukraine

I co-signed the Prague Manifesto for a free Ukraine because I support the freedom of Ukraine and for all. The defeat of Russia’s aggression is Ukraine is a precondition for a whole, free, and peaceful Europe. Ukraine’s victory will renew the promise of democracy for people across the world. Prague Manifesto for a Free Ukraine On February 24th, 2022, the Russian Federation renewed its aggression and further (on full scale) invaded Ukraine in an illegal and unprovoked aggression that needs to be strongly denounced, resisted, and defeated. Russia’s attack against the mere existence of Ukraine...

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Vi må ikke svigte Ukraine længere. Send i morgen et klart og tydeligt signal om, at EU støtter demonstranterne og demokratiet.

Vi har svigtet. Allerede før jul var brug for en europæisk håndsrækning til demonstranterne i Ukraine! I januar med fem døde og over 300 sårede. EU’s politikere har manglet at vise den politiske handlekraft, som vi  skylder det ukrainske folk. Vi har svigtet de 40.000 demonstranter der samledes på Maidan pladsen i Kiev. Deres krav til præsident Viktor Yanukovych er klart; udskriv valg. Men opstanden har fået lov til at vokser og myndighederne svare igen med eskalerende vold. Senest så vi de frygtelige scener igår , hvor man måtte spørge sig selv, er dette Europa? EU-kommissionens formand...

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