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Tag: european parliament

AI Act: The European Parliament votes for safer AI and an end to Mass Surveillance

This week, the European Parliament adopted its position on the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI act). As Renew’s lead negotiator on the AI act in the JURI committee, I fought hard to protect citizens’ fundamental rights, and give businesses space and certainty to innovate. I’m very glad to announce that many of the things I fought for have made it into Parliament’s final position. Let’s take a look at what we achieved! The JURI Opinion The Legal Affairs Committee (JURI), where I was lead negotiator, finished its position on the Artificial Intelligence Act in September of last year. Since then...

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Manifesto ZERO DEATH AT WORK (12th SEP 2022)

I co-signed this manifesto by the European Trade Union Syndicat in order to support workers’ rights because, despite the many advances and developments, people still die at their workplaces. MANIFESTO ZERO DEATH AT WORKPeople go to work to make a living—to provide for themselves, their families, and their loved ones. Every working day across the European Union, twelve working people do not come home from work – because they have died at work. Far from earning a living, work has killed them, and their families suffer emotionally, financially and in many other ways. On International...

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Transparency International EP-valgløfte – åbenhed, borgers adgang til info og beskyttelse af whistleblower

Hvad er der galt med EU? Europa-Parlamentets arrogance er en af de ting, som jeg gerne vil gøre op med. Europa Parlamentet skal ikke være den eneste EU-institution, som afviser at samarbejde med Transparency International om institutionens integritet. Selvfølgeligt skal Europa-Parlamentet være åbent og transparent overfor os borgere. Det betyder det skal gøre rede for sine handlinger, interesser og stå til ansvar for dem. Det betyder også, at vi skal bekæmpe lyssky hestehandler mellem rød og blå blok, som ingen taler højt om. Generelt skal vi have mere åbenhed og gennemsigtighed om hvordan...

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