EU picnic og Politik Tweet-up

So many many people have been really helpful and nice since I announced that I was mad enough to be throw my hat in the game for trying to secure a great election for Radikale Venstre at the European Parliament in May 2014.
This picnic is for them. To meet and to talk before it really because summer.
I started the planning nice and early… already back in late May. Created a doodle. Got replies and chose a date. Then planning stopped. I got caught up doing 100 different other things with shorter deadlines.
In February I organised a political tweet-up here in Copenhagen after having attended EU nerd tweet ups in London and great twedagsbars in Copenhagen. Since then I and others have been discussing doing another political tweet-up.
So why not combine my friends, the lovely political people from Radikale and the lovely political people on twitter?
Since I used to live in the UK, I have decided to serve Pimms. I will also bring salad, bread as well as some different meze style dishes (hummus, tzatziki). Finally I’ll bring as many blankets I can carry (cycle trailer comes in handy here).
If you feel like coming by even if just shortly, please do. Kids, partners and friends are welcome if they are willing to be dragged along. I’ll be there from 1200 until 1600.
*** If you come by and are able to it would be very welcome if you can bring one or more of the following: Some blankets to sit on. Something cold to drink. Whatever you feel like eating and would like to share. ***