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London, Brussels, Bonn and Hamburg for catch up, meet up and tweet-up

Around Exeter w Worths (4)

All going well at 0650 on Saturday morning, I’ll be on a flight from Copenhagen to London after an evening of explaining the EU and European beers to Copenhageners.

I will be spending Saturday in London visiting old haunts and seeing old friends, finishing the day with a birthday bash for my fellow birthday girl. Sunday will be spent in Cambridge with Puffles and his best buddy as well  a school friend, who is now living in Cambridge after nearly 3 years in Zurich.

Monday morning Eurostar will take me to Brussels and the world of European institutions. For once I do not have work to do, so I’ll try to pack my days meeting all the people I don’t usually have time to meet. So one thing already planned is stopping by the ALDE HQ for coffee and chat about plans for the 2014 elections.

Monday evening there is one of the #EUtweetups – this time the Brit-Europhile version – on 14th October, 1800, at London Calling (Place de Londres). I am looking forward to meeting more of the EU twittersphere, many of whom I at the moment only know online.

Tuesday evening What does signing an online petition actually mean? with Jon Worth as a speaker arranged by Aurelie Valtat. Giving me time to chat more with Nanna Moe than a quick lunch last week.

We have already discussed what more need to be done to ensure equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people in Europe as she works for ILGA-Europe when not DJ’ing. I look forward to find out more about what I as a candidate for the EP can do to raise awareness as well as what the EP can and should do.

Wednesday the rails point to Bonn (16-18 Oct) and Hamburg (18-20 Oct) where old friends live and I look forward to catch up with as well as a tweet-up or two.

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