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Discussing digitalisation at DG GROW’s event on the Single Digital Gateway (19 September 2023)

I had a wonderful opportunity to talk about digitalisation of the EU administrative procedure at the DG GROW’s event “SME Relief Package: the Single Digital Gateway cuts red tape” that took place on 19 September 2023. I would like to express my gratitude to DG GROW and SMEUnited for organising this event, which is particularly salient now, especially for me as the Rapporteur on Parliament’s report on Digitalisation and Administrative Law.  Now is not the easiest time for Europe’s SMEs, which is why it is key that we make understanding and complying with obligations...

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Speaking at Blockchain for Europe Summit (27 September 2023)

I was honoured to speak at this year’s Blockchain for Europe Summit on the future of digital policy and priorities for the next EU Commission. Here is what I said: This mandate has been one of the busiest ever for Europe’s tech policy, and I think it marks a significant change for the EU. We’ve seen a flurry of regulation, including new laws on data storage and use, competition in the digital sphere, online platforms, digital identity, and artificial intelligence, to name a few. Throughout this mandate, we have seen lawmakers gain a better understanding of the impact of digital...

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AI Act: The European Parliament votes for safer AI and an end to Mass Surveillance

This week, the European Parliament adopted its position on the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI act). As Renew’s lead negotiator on the AI act in the JURI committee, I fought hard to protect citizens’ fundamental rights, and give businesses space and certainty to innovate. I’m very glad to announce that many of the things I fought for have made it into Parliament’s final position. Let’s take a look at what we achieved! The JURI Opinion The Legal Affairs Committee (JURI), where I was lead negotiator, finished its position on the Artificial Intelligence Act in September of last year. Since then...

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What is the place for Geo-blocking in a Digital Age of Free Movement ?

“Sorry, but this content is not available in your country!”  This is a situation, all too many of us are familiar with! When we were trying to access something that we were very interested in, but the site said no. In 2018 we ended geo-blocking – just not for audiovisual content  Previous EU decisions have ended location-based restrictions in many other sectors, but in 2018 one important sector was excluded from the scope of the regulation: audiovisual content. In recent years, especially during the years affected by the pandemic, there has been a significant increase in interest...

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AI Act vote: our push to protect citizens from Mass Surveillance

On the 14 of June, MEPs will vote on Parliament’s position on the Artificial Intelligence Act, a proposed EU law on how AI is used in Europe. The reports of the IMCO and LIBE committees already go a long way toward protecting citizens, by banning dangerous Biometric Mass Surveillance, but there are still some gaps that need to be plugged. Firstly, while the AI act does ban so-called “emotional recognition”, there are concerns that this ban may not extend to “behavioral recognition”, a deeply flawed technology that has reported hugs as violent assault. I don’t believe that citizens should...

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Global Encryption Day – Stop Scanning Us

Whether citizens know it or not, encryption is at the heart of everything we do: it protects our bank cards and ID, keeps us safe when shopping online, and keeps our conversations private.On this #GlobalEncryptionDay i think it is important to recognise, however, that encryption  is under attack from all sides, including in the European Union. The Commission’s “Chat Control” proposal is the latest and largest of such attacks. It would subject all our conversations to government-mandated error-prone scanning systems, effectively ending the right to private correspondence. This...

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Future of Copenhagen is Digital, Local and Circular

Our children should be digital creators. Digital competences should be a central part of the curriculum of every Copenhagen school, and digital should be combine/d with physical production. Our children should be able to go from idea to product. Production is increasingly digital and individualised. Kids should be able to use 3D printers, CFC milling and laser cutters together with digital knowledge. Allowing them to make nearly everything, preparing them and Copenhagen for the future. The workshops of the schools should incorporate the ethos of the Maker Spaces and FabLabs. We need to provide...

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