FCO digital diplomacy conference in Lebanon
Written by Karen Melchior on . Posted in Blog.
- #Beirut from the 17th floor.. #digiconflb instagr.am/p/QUzN2_KeJa/
- 25th floor FTW #digiconflb instagr.am/p/QUzv5xL3LE/
- Time for a workshop! #digiconflb pic.twitter.com/KRY1ZtPI
- Colleagues from all over the region sharing best digital practices at #DigiConfLB. Colleague from Morocco here: pic.twitter.com/vEDjPmL0
- At superb fusion of gamechangers: pioneer twiplomats from UK embassies across region, &Leb social media stars. More at #Amarres #digiconflb
- British Embassy #Morocco talking about their successful #London2012 & #GREATBritain digital activity. #digiconflb
- “Diplomats must be part of the digital revolution” t.co/NV0noWGL by @HMATomFletcher #twiplomacy #digitaldiplomacy #digiconflb
- So true! RT @WilliamJHague: I agree with my colleague from Hungary: FMs need to be accessible on #socialmedia. #cyberbudapest” #digiconflb
- That is definitly an imp presentation about uk #Arab partnership prgm especially after rising suspicions about hidden agendas! #digiconflb
- Lesson from #digiconflb doing digital diplomacy isn’t just pushing out the odd tweet. Needs time and focus – learning about monitoring now
- After an amazing year of #jubilee, #london2012 and #GREATBritain, what will we talk about next year? Maybe a #RoyalBaby?! #digiconflb
- Interesting debate on the value of broadcast vs online engagement #digiconflb
- RT @AlexSchillemore: RT @AlexSchillemore: .@mets1977 asks #digiconflb – what’s greatest thing about UK? Answers inc heritage, culture… No, she says.. Cadbu …
- Colleagues from all over the region sharing best digital practices at #DigiConfLB. Colleague from Morocco here: pic.twitter.com/vEDjPmL0
- Digi amplifies engagement during trad media and events. Preprepared content is key. People watch with phone/tablet on lap #digiconflb
- #digiconflb #digitaldiplomacy RT @mets1977 Great project launch ideas mixing digital and trad tactics, tweet-ups and so,ltanepus events
- At #digiconflb, riffing on branding new gov.uk website. The edgy, work in progress look is just so GB. pic.twitter.com/nV3zQC9n
- RT @AUB_OC: RT @AUB_OC: Read more about the #Digiconflb Tweetup: Where Online Collaboration meets Diplomacy t.co/c7MmMhM7
- Learnt so much at #digiconflb about social media and engagement. So many bright young ppl with good ideas. Can’t wait to put it in practice
- Monitoring and evaluating
- @alexschillemore interesting stat jump in FB during london2012. Any discussion about community retention/engagement? #digiconflb
- .@ukinjerusalem increased their Facebook outreach from 3k to 130k during #london2012 opening ceremony. #digiconflb #digitaldiplomacy
- Monitoring and evaluation throughout a campaign – what are your favourite tools? I like #Hootsuite and #Topsy… #digiconflb
- . @ukinjerusalem used their contacts and the Olympics to increase their Facebook outreach from 3k to 130k #digiconflb
- #digiconflb social media monitoring helps refine messages in real time. Gauge tone and understanding and adapt.
- Pictures or words
- RT @JasonFlippen There in lies the challenge! We have a category called “visual diplomacy”, but its best for soft topics. #digiconflb
- RT @JasonFlippen @AlexSchillemore @aymanitani totally agree. A good color photo with caption will out perform a text post in… #digiconflb
- .@aymanitani: “when choosing content to add to #socialmedia, remember: nobody reads”< what do you think? #digiconflb
- @karmel80 pics more important for getting message across. But how to fit that into serious #foreignpolicy? #digiconflb #digitaldiplomacy
- @AlexSchillemore aha. I think 140 character is nearly a picture ;-) #digiconflb
- #digiconflb Pictures from the Tweetup dinner by @AUB_OC AUB_O Sponsored by #Amarres @the_alleyway (03/10/2012) t.co/jBBbgzel
- RT @imht: @aymanitani now at #DigiConfLB talking about digital media, online campaigning and the changing media scene pic.twitter.com/CW9EZECL
- RT @mets1977 #digiconflb social media analysis can help you understand who the influencers are as individuals
- .@aymanitani thanks to #socialmedia we can now hear what people are shouting at their TVs. #digiconflb
- speaking about Digital Diplomacy at the #digiconflb to British Embassy communication officers fr… (at Hilton Hotel) — t.co/oEwTRXxT
- Getting our creative on at #digiconflb… Launch ideas for #ArabPartnership products inc simultaneous tweetups across the region & London.
- .@francediplo_EN Facebook page is pretty impressive in terms of followers! #digiconflb
- #digiconflb social media monitoring helps refine messages in real time. Gauge tone and understanding and adapt.
- Now understand what twitter is all about thanks to #digiconflb. Making good progress.
- .@aymanitani now at #DigiConfLB talking about digital media, online campaigning and the changing media scene pic.twitter.com/GvxZlTbZ
- Digi amplifies engagement during trad media and events. Preprepared content is key. People watch with phone/tablet on lap #digiconflb
- #digiconflb advice from guest presenter: trick to growing reach is outreach, and great presentation of interesting content.
- Now hearing from @UKinLebanon about their work on #GREATBritain campaign. #BritWeek good example of working w/ private sector. #digiconflb
- Read more about the #Digiconflb Tweetup: Where Online Collaboration meets Diplomacy t.co/c7MmMhM7
- Closing moments of #digiconflb – we learn about #FCO ‘follow the sun’ comms hubs. Clever, this #digitaldiplomacy stuff pic.twitter.com/TRR96XEr
- RT @imht: RT @imht: Colleagues from all over the region sharing best digital practices at #DigiConfLB. Colleague from Morocco here: t.co/vE …
- How does a team communicate across the world?
- @AlexSchillemore “How should a widely distributed team keep in touch and share information?” #digiconflb one answer is G+
- Agree -> RT @karmel80: Yammer? RT @AlexSchillemore: How should a widely distributed team keep in touch and share information? #digiconflb
- @mjmclean @karmel80 @garethoconnor yammer my favourite tool… But barriers to accessing it on our systems unfortunately. #digiconflb
- @AlexSchillemore @karmel80 @garethoconnor Agree. System barriers to effective networking need to come down. #digiconflb
- 1st day of #digiconflb
- @alexschillemore interesting stat jump in FB during london2012. Any discussion about community retention/engagement? #digiconflb
- Anyone fatalist about Lebanon or region should spend 5 mins at #Amarres tonight, even virtually. Energy, inspiration, purpose. #digiconflb
- MT @antonioderuda: Storify of today’s #DigitalDiplomacy Conference in Beirut #digiconflb t.co/fZkgMhur. Kudos to @HMATomFletcher
- #Storify of first day of #DigitalDiplomacy Conference in #Beirut by #MENA British embassies and #fco #digiconflb t.co/DJXH06SS
- Participants
- Meeting great people with @nourrifai at the #digiconflb with the British Embassy and the #AUBOC instagr.am/p/QVHOWXI8dQ/
- With Ambassador @HMATomFletcher tonight at #Amarres for #digiconflb tweetup instagr.am/p/QVHbMwPmyd/
- RT @imht: RT @imht: Our awesome #DigitalDiplomacy rock star @HMATomFletcher & yours truly at the #DigiConfLB dinner (hosted by #Amarres) http: …
- Had a chat with @HMATomFletcher about how thankful I am for having wheelchair friendly cabs in Lebanon! (London Taxis) #digiconflb
- #FF @ukinlebanon & @HMATomFletcher – thank you for a brilliant #digiconflb. I’ve learnt so much & met some lovely, enthusiastic people.
- Me too! RT @AlexSchillemore thank you for a brilliant #digiconflb. I’ve learnt so much & met some lovely, enthusiastic people.
- RT @koolkunaly2k: RT @koolkunaly2k: #digiconflb Pictures from the Tweetup dinner by @AUB_OC AUB_O Sponsored by #Amarres @the_alleyway (03/10/2012) http:/ …
- RT @AbuBlake: RT @AbuBlake: Learnt so much at #digiconflb about social media and engagement. So many bright young ppl with good ideas. Can’t wait to p …
- Thanks @koolkunaly2k @mets1977 @ukinlebanon team @AUB_OC all my other awesome colleagues & the inspirational @HMATomFletcher #digiconflb
- Last night was amazing! So happy to have met wonderful people :) @the_alleyway @HMATomFletcher @aub_oc #amarres #digiconflb
- We enjoyed the #Digiconflb tweetup organized by the Online Collaborative and the lovely attendees. We are looking… t.co/6ndluZza
- Finally on twitter thanks to #digiconflb
- . @sdarine @mhijazi @HMATomFletcher thank u so much for the great networking dinner at #amarres #digiconflb
- @the_alleyway @HMATomFletcher @aub_oc #amarres #digiconflb thank you for another great event.Best wishes to everybody im calling it a night
- I think my tablemates might have noticed I like puddings #amarres #digiconflb
- Great to have @GinaGabriel1 & @fidachaaban at #amarres tonight with @JessyGeagea from @The_Alleyway for #digiconflb pic.twitter.com/Q36A4ndg
- A successful dinner in Beirut – “@mets1977 says: I think my tablemates might have noticed I like puddings #amarres #digiconflb“
- With the digital superstar @HMATomFletcher and webguru @imht #digiconflb #Beirut pic.twitter.com/RI7b6tzr
- Now following @hend_diaa :) :) at the #digiconflb Tweetup dinner tonight by @AUB_OC AUB_O Sponsored by #Amarres @the_alleyway
- Don’t you think that #social_media is a life style?
#amarres @the_alleyway @hmatomfletcher @aub_oc #ff @zaitunaybay #digiconflb #egypt #uk - RT @ukinlebanon: RT @ukinlebanon: Great evening after a busy digi day #digiconflb w some of best social media activists #Lebanon thank u #Amarres 4 hosti …
- A lovely steak and fascinating conversation #amarres #digiconflb instagr.am/p/QVJ459r3K4/