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Future of Copenhagen is Digital, Local and Circular

Our children should be digital creators. Digital competences should be a central part of the curriculum of every Copenhagen school, and digital should be combine/d with physical production. Our children should be able to go from idea to product. Production is increasingly digital and individualised. Kids should be able to use 3D printers, CFC milling and laser cutters together with digital knowledge. Allowing them to make nearly everything, preparing them and Copenhagen for the future.

The workshops of the schools should incorporate the ethos of the Maker Spaces and FabLabs. We need to provide the space and confidence to our children so they experiment, play and learn. Project based and self motivated learning providing the children with the competences to learn rather then requiring them to learn facts by heart.

Teaching children to be able to go from idea to prototype, will allow them to continue creating as adults. Combining this with FabLabs and Maker Spaces in Copenhagen both commercial and public will allow for Copenhagen to be a hub of entrepreneurs and creators. UnderBroen, FabLab Nordvest as well as Copenhagen FabLab in Valby are already a thriving and inspiring environment in Copenhagen. I want the municipality to help join the dots and make the network of maker spaces more resilient and cooperative. I want the network to provide a base for citizens to produce products for themselves, to make prototypes or start up small productions.

However we need to think bigger. Copenhagen should become a FabCity joining up global knowledge and circular economy. The FAB City is a new urban model of transforming and shaping cities that shifts how they source and use materials from ‘Products In Trash Out’ (PITO) to ‘Data In Data Out’ (DIDO). A city’s imports and exports would mostly be found in the form of data (information, knowledge, design, code). Read more on Fab.City

Using global knowledge and locally sourced and circulated ressources, the goal of a FabCity is to empower the citizens to be the masters of their own destiny and develop a more sustainable system as use and transport of materials as well as energy consumption is drastically reduced.

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