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Author: EP Office

Announcing My Team

Karen MELCHIOR with my team Ásta Helgadóttir, Magnus Lund Nielsen, Fahad Saeed and Nana He It’s high time to announce my team, which will be working with me in the coming years working for Europe. My office is taking shape and I have so far hired three talented parliamentary assistants for now: Ásta, Fahad and Nana in addition to a communications intern, Magnus. Digital agenda and equality will be the cornerstone of my work in the next five years in the Europea Parliament, and my new team reflects that! Ásta Guðrún Helgadóttir: Chief of Staff and Digital Policy Advisor Ásta is my Chief of staff...

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Vi skal have en international undersøgelse af Navalnys forgiftning med Novichok

Forleden kom det frem, at den russiske oppositionsaktivist Aleksej Anatolevitj Navalnys er blevet forgiftet med det russiske giftmiddel, Novichok. Vi skal sige fra, når regeringsledere undertrykker deres egen befolkning og kuer demokrati og ytringsfrihed. Jeg har sammen med flere af mine EP-kolleger skrevet under på et brev til det tyske formandskab af Det Europæiske Råd om at undersøge sagen til bunds. Læs brevet til det tyske formandskab herunder: 20200903-open-letter-international-investigation-navalny

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