Karens blogarkiv

Clown With Strings

How the EU machinery is the downfall of its own credibilty

Obama Four More Years

Can you win votes through social media engagement, or is it all about the big data?

Breaking Free With Stars With EP2014

Response to @TonyLbxl’s "Will 2014 be Europe’s Twitter election?"


For a democratic, innovative and modern Europe, I have pledged to defend digital rights

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Europeans voting in the European Parliament Election in Denmark

Kaffe Og LGBT

Liberals 4 Equality – Starting the ALDE network for LBGT rights

Around Exeter W Worths (4)

London, Brussels, Bonn and Hamburg for catch up, meet up and tweet-up

Klar Til At Tale Med Folk Og At Dele Radikale Balloner, Vindmøller Og Flyers Ud.

Karen as a candidate to the European Parliament, what do you think?

cc Håkan Dahlström Flickr

Getting the telecoms industry flustered – Kroes must be doing something right